العلاقة بين التكنولوجيا والتربية The relationship between technology and education

العلاقة بين التكنولوجيا والتربية  The relationship between technology and education
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الاثنين، 25 يوليو 2011

Technology for Learning Project

Technology for Learning Project

In the past all we can do is preparing our lesson using MS PowerPoint and show it to the students, all the students do is watch, after a while we put interactive question inside the lesson and distribute the lessons on the computers in the room and have each group to answer the question. At that time students were familiar with PCs so they stated asking how they can use it. The internet was very interesting concept to the students they started with games, then chat which open the door to meet other people, so we asked our students to choose a lesson and make a presentation for it with the help of the internet and demonstrate it to the class 

Using Technology in The Classroom : In the classrooms, We have been using technology for enhancing our lessons by showing PowerPoint presentations on a large screen with the help of LCD projectors. In fact we have CAT (Computer Aided Teaching) classes in the timetable schedule during which we take the students to the computer Lab and show them power point presentations to enhance their learning. Sometimes during the CAT classes I ask students to access the internet for completing a particular assignment or a project. For example, very often, I ask them to write the biography of authors who have won International awards like the Booker Prize or The Nobel Prize. Sometimes as a part of their language learning, they are sometimes asked to browse the internet and prepare a report on some recent International event like the Olympics in China
 I also show the students films using the LCD projector and DVD/VCD players for improving their listening comprehension in English. The films are usually related to their lessons in English which they are studying at that time.
I learnt in this lesson that I can use student technology experts to help other students who are not very comfortable using the computer or the internet. They can motivate and teach the class on uses of technology so that they become enthusiastic about applying these helpful tools to their projects in new and creative ways.
I also learnt how I can use the interactive platform of the Thinkquest website for enhancing the teaching – learning process of both myself and the students. We can participate in cross-school learning projects that facilitate cultural exchange and encourage students to communicate, using the Messages tool and interactive Message Boards in the website. They can also access the thinkquest library for sharing information. Our students have been participating in ‘Thinkquest” competitions but only a few. From now on, I will encourage all the students.
Integrating Technology with Thinkquest
Using Thinkquest projects and Thinkquest website competition is a very good way to integrate technology in students work since it gives the chance to the students to download or upload all kinds of files (presentation - spread sheets - word files) or pictures that's been taken with digital cameras or painted by the student's hands, also the students can interact with each others or with other teachers from around the world to exchange information and gain experience. Through creating projects or web sites the students can discuss and suggest solutions for global issues and that improve their critical thinking and creativity.
Integrating Technology with ThinkQuest

Through the ThinkQuest website students can use technology for learning in a safe environment. It provides a platform for students by helping them to use technology tools that enable research, student- teacher collaboration, product creation in an educational environment.
We can make the students participate in cross-school learning projects that facilitate cultural exchange and encourage students to communicate with one another using the Messages tool and interactive Message Boards. These features or characteristics of ThinkQuest Projects are beneficial when integrating technology in learning projects.
For sharing their creative work, the students can also upload and download a variety of files that include documents, multimedia, images, and video. The students are encouraged to be active contributors by participating in debates and votes. These participations encourage collaborative and critical thinking.
The students can also co-author web pages to publish project work and express ideas on a variety of interesting topics.
The ThinkQuest Competitions motivate the students to increase their technology skills because they have to communicate virtually using internet tools such as e-mail and instant messaging. They have to use a variety of software and hardware devices to create the website content and graphics. They can also access the ThinkQuest Library for getting information and reviewing past projects.

هناك 3 تعليقات:

  1. جميل جدا مجهود مشكور

  2. هذه المدنونة تم انشاءة من خلال تدريب Bli والمسئول عن هذا المشروع الاستاذه / امانى الفار

  3. هذا المشروع تم من خلال التدريب PLI
    وكان تدريب يسعى الى تنمية مهارات التفكير من خلال بناء منهج جديد يسعى الى التعلم النشط بين الطالب والمعلم
    والمسئول الاساسى عن المشروع PLI الاستاذه / امانى الفار
    والمسئول الثانى / الاستاذ محمد سرور
    وانا احدى المتدربين المجموعة السادسة
